Tuesday, May 25, 2010

General Updates

Just a genreal status update on everything going on with my life lately.

Family and Wife are well, considering the problems the wife is having and unique challenges every child brings with them. School is almost over - (C'mon Thursday! C'mon!!! Get here already! I need to sleep in again!)

Book sales are going well enough. I'm on Amazon, B&N & Smashwords now. Still waiting for Kobo and Sony to get with the program but that will come.

The Kickstarter Project is going - slowly but surely. I am getting some more interest in my project and two supporters yesterday. Now up to $160.00 out of 5000 and over a month to go. No worries and I hope to make it (see other blogs to see how this project will work if I don't raise funding)

The script for Leebor & Woolee is finished for the first fdraft and I'm supposed to get feedback to re-write now. Hopefully I'll see some cash soon before I'm writing it while living in a Van down by the river!

The book
Prometheus: The Ugly Boy - And Medusa! is currently stalled at chapter 3. I know what to write but making it to the page is hard as I am constantly distracted by life and money and other peroanl issues that rob me of my time!

I will get back to it soon as I hope to have it finished by a certain Little Girl's Birthday this summer. It's for her afterall and I can't afford too great a gift this year, but am working to have that to do! (1 Month to go on that Anita - way to pressure Daddy!)

OTher that that, I'm menacing Facebook and everywhere else with updates and pitches for my project for the next month as well.

I did however get to see some of the new Dr. Who episodes this week. I admit I had doubts about the new kid, but so far it's fitting with the whole new series rather well.

Ok that's it. It's my lunch time and I'm gonna relax for some time today!

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